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September 2023

Necker Proteomics has introduced a new technology dedicated to plasma biomarker research: Proteograph from Seer. 

The Proteograph Assay is based on the formation of a protein corona on functionalized nanoparticles, which dramatically increases the number of plasma proteins quantified by mass spectrometry (from 800 to over 4000).
Learn more 

March 2023

The Proteomic Platform of Necker (PPN) has obtained in March 2023 two important certifications: ISO 9001 and NFX50-900 for “Services and research & development activities in clinical and translational proteomics”


ISO 9001 is an internationally recognized standard that outlines the requirements for a quality management system. By obtaining this certification, the PPN shows that it has implemented processes and procedures that ensure consistency in their services.

NFX50-900 is a French standard that focuses on R&D, as well as the quality of service delivery. This certification demonstrates PPN ability to run high-quality technological research  as well as service.

August 2022

New Sony ID7000 spectral analyser for cytometry platform


The Cytometry Platform has replaced its Sony SP6800 analyser cytometer with the Sony ID7000, the latest development in spectral technology. Its advanced optical design allows the simultaneous analysis of 41 fluorochromes for each cell sample. The SONY ID7000's spectral technology is able to identify the spectral fingerprints of auto-fluorescence signals for analysis and management.

The SONY ID7000 is equipped with a built-in autosampler capable of handling runs of 24 tubes and 384-well plates and cooling samples to 4°C.

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1 January 2022

New Year 2022

We wish you a wonderful year 2022, filled with happiness and success!

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1 December 2021

Label IBiSA

The Necker Proteomic Platform received the label IBiSA as well as IBiSA financial support to buy a new workstation for sample preparation.


17 November 2021

One-day seminar of the SFR Necker

First time after the start of the pandemic the one-day seminar of the Structure Fédérative de Recherche Necker took place on Wednesday, November 17th, 2021 at the Necker Faculty.

The program included presentations from different teams from INEM and Imagine and the iPSC and LEAT platforms.

Finally a great opportunity for scientific exchanges between members of INEM, Imagine and core facilities !

October 2021

The L3 of the Faculty of Necker due to open in Spring 2022

The L3 is part of the "Viral Vectors and Gene Transfer" (VVTG) platform which provides the technical, organizational and human resources necessary for the activity of this technical platform.

 It is intended for hosting scientific laboratory projects involving pathogenic microorganisms and / or GMOs of class 3.

The VVTG platform will offer a technical platform to researchers of the Necker campus as well as to external researchers who wish to work on class 3 microorganisms (HIV, SARS-Cov2) and / or class 3 GMOs.

February 2021

timsTOF Pro MS (Bruker) - new mass spectrometer for Proteomics plateform


The Necker Proteomic platform has acquired a timsTOF Pro MS (Bruker) new mass spectrometer (MS) and two liquid chromatography (LC) systems, nanoElute and EvosepONE (cofunded by DIM TG, Imagine, INEM et SFR).


This new instrument presents major innovations: i) separation of ions by ionic mobility (IM) and ii) the fragmentation of all the injected ions (PASEF), allowing to achieve the highest depth of analysis at the highest speed currently possible in proteomics.


Examples of analysis recently optimised on the timsTOF MS include:

  • 6,000 proteins identified in one shot (90 minutes) in a tissue or cell vs 2000 in 2h on previous intrument

  • 5000 proteins quantified in 10 spheroids allowing in-depth analysis of low abundance/rare samples (ie 5000 protein identifies in 10 PHH spheroids) vs 1000 in 6h on previous intrument

  • 380 proteins in undepleted plasma sample (1ul) in 40 min vs 250 in 2h on previous instrument

  • 1000 proteins in sweat samples (20 ul) in 40 min

  • 100 samples from a cohort can be analysed in days vs months before

January 2021

Necker Bio-image Analysis center is created


The Necker Bio-image Analysis was created in January 2021 to meet the biological image analysis needs of the two Institutes and specializes in the processing and analysis of bio-images.

The work of the cluster is carried out in scientific collaboration with the users and the platforms concerned.

More info

Chiara Guerrera: Inserm Innovation 2019 Award
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The SFR Necker is proud to announce that Chiara Guerrera, scientific manager of the proteomics platform of the Necker Federative Research Structure, has received the Inserm Innovation 2019 Award.

Research engineer, Chiara Guerrera has developed a very high level proteomic analysis platform.

The proteomics platform offers state of the art technology and expertise mostly for clinical and translational studies through its double activity of service and development.

Recent acquisitions
Cytometry core facility, site Broussais -  Spectral analyzer SP6800 SONY

The SP6800 is a very intuitive analyzer cytometer, intended for the autonomous users.

The spectral technology optimizes the sensibility and improves the detection of low signals by collecting the photons from 420nm to 800nm. The spectral technology simplifies the design of multi-panels  colors, by eliminating band-pass filters and the conventional matrices of compensation.

The implemented spectral deconvolution makes the simpler and easier analysis by separating the individual spectral imprints of each fluorochrome. We obtain a more complete image of the rare populations. The complexities associated with the work with fluorescent proteins and fluorochromes excited by several lasers are decreased


SFR Necker, Inserm US 24 - CNRS UAR 3633, Faculté de Médecine de Necker, 160 rue de Vaugirard, 75015 Paris, France

© 2024 by SFR Necker

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